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Audio Internship 

Provider Information




The MTSU audio internship program is designed to provide students with an opportunity to learn from industry professionals, put their classroom knowledge to use in “real world” situations, and provide better qualified workers to the profession. It is also an excellent opportunity for students to meet people, make contacts in the industry, and increase their professionalism while gaining needed experience.


Business partners sponsoring interns provide valuable workplace training, while having the opportunity to put student talents, skills, and knowledge to work, with the option of hiring them as employees. 


This page provides information about the MTSU audio internship program, legal information, and other resources.



Provider Information:  Click here!


Legal Information:


Internship providers are strongly advised to become aware of applicable laws regarding uncompensated workers before becoming an internship provider.



Internship Programs Under The Fair Labor Standards Act: Click here!



New York Times article on internships and the law. This article provides additional links for further information: Click here!



An article on internships and the law in straight-forward terms : Click here!



Create a Provider Account:  


Please use the link below to register as an audio internship provider and to post your internship opportunities to the database.  


Internship opportunities will not be  available to students until approved by the MTSU audio internship coordinator (Michael Hanson).  Once your registration and internship(s) are approved, students will be able to search for the opportunity to work with your organization.



To register as an audio internship provider 

Click here!



VERY IMPORTANT: Registering as a provider and posting internships is a two-step process. After registering as a provider, you MUST click "Add Internship" and post one or more internship opportunities to the site. Students will not be able to find you if an internship is not posted.  



Post Internship Opportunities:  


Please use the link below to post one or more audio internship opportunities to the database.  


You must be logged-in as a registered internship provider to post audio internship opportunities. Internship opportunities will not be published until approved by the MTSU audio internship coordinator (Michael Hanson). 


Once your internship opportunities are approved, qualified students will be able to search for your internships.



To post your internship opportunities 

Click here!





Contact us:  Click here!





Department of Recording Industry: Click here!



Undergraduate Audio Production: Click here!



Master of Fine Arts: Click here!



Music Business Internship: Click here!



College of Media & Entertainment: Click here!



MTSU: Click here!